

Routers are simple Go structs that implement the chttp.Router interface. Routers can be used to define and group together HTTP routes.

type Router interface {
    Routes() []Route

By default, Copper provides pkg/app/router.go. Create more routers as your project grows to organize and group routes.

Add a router to a package using the Copper CLI -

$ copper scaffold:router <package>

Create Routes

In a package with an existing Router, you can add a route to it using the Copper CLI -

copper scaffold:route \
    -handler=HandleRocketLaunch \
    -path=/rockets/{id}/launch \
    -method=Post \

Sample Router

package rockets

import (..)

type NewRouterParams struct {
	RW     *chttp.ReaderWriter
	Logger clogger.Logger

func NewRouter(p NewRouterParams) *Router {
	return &Router{
		rw:     p.RW,
		logger: p.Logger,

// Router struct implements the `chttp.Router` interface. It holds all the
// dependencies needed for its handlers.
type Router struct {
	rw     *chttp.ReaderWriter
	logger clogger.Logger

// Routes returns a list of chttp.Route managed by this Router.
func (ro *Router) Routes() []chttp.Route {
	return []chttp.Route{
			Path:    "/rockets/{id}/launch",
			Methods: []string{http.MethodPost},
			Handler: ro.HandleRocketLaunch,

// HandleRocketLaunch is invoked when a POST request is made to the 
// "/rockets/{id}/launch" endpoint
func (ro *Router) HandleRocketLaunch(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	// Handle request here..

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